Benefits of Millets
Benefits of Millets
Millet grows easily in dry climate, have smaller harvesting period. Millets have less water requirement, do not use fertilizers and are generally grown organically. In terms of nutritional property, they are superior to certain highly consumed cereals such as rice and wheat.
Growing number of diseases such as diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular problems. Millets have high content of proteins and minerals such as calcium, iron etc. that can help in avoiding such diseases.
Millets contains calcium, iron and fibers which helps to fortify essential nutrients for the healthy growth in children. The usage of millets in infant food and nutrition products is increasing and many manufacturers are expanding their business
With so many health benefits why millets are not included in our daily diet
Millets have traditionally been a part of rural India diet. They could be little difficult to cook and cannot be prepared instantly. Overnight soaking and high cooking time has till been deterrent in making millets a part of the urban India diet.
How can we reduce the Cooking time for millets?
Sprouting and Roasting makes them easy to cook. For instance, a bajra khichdi may take just 15-min to prepare if the bajra (Pearl Millet) is soaked overnight and roasted as well
- bajra,
- International year of the millets,
- jowar,
- kangani,
- kodo,
- millets,
- Snacking,
- Soaking helps,
- sprouting,